Joe and Kaitlin Penrod are missionaries with Every Nation School of Campus Ministry in Nashville, TN

Their call from God is to evangelism, reaching college campuses in the US and the world with the hope of the Gospel. Their goal is to plant Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, socially responsible churches and campus ministries in Every Nation.

Think about it, on a major university campus there are 20,000+ people in one place, at one time, the same age, asking the same question—What do I do with this life?


"By joining with the Every Nation family of Churches and ministries we have been blessed with the opportunity to work with Dr. Rice Broocks, a major leader around the world in campus ministry for over 40+ yrs with experience planting churches and ministries on campus and in communities across the globe.

NOW is the time to take action reaching the next generation HERE, shoring up the foundations of a nation committed to reaching the world with the Gospel. NOW is the time to revive our land by sending workers into the greatest harvest field in our nation, the college campus.


We are so thankful for your prayers and support as we commit ourselves tirelessly to the work of the Gospel."

~Joe, Kaitlin, Wynnie and Eloise Mae


For more information on us or their mission, or if God has called your family to be prayer or financial partners in their mission, reach out at:


Joe Penrod

931-446-1175 (text or call)